
26 Great small business ideas

 This list of 26 great small business ideas will help you get started on your business journey. Note  that most of the strategies below require you to have only one credit card as a startup partner, so you can keep your upfront costs relatively low. How   to   start a small business   from   home? If you're not sure what business to start, this list of 26 great business ideas for entrepreneurs can help inspire you. Choose a business idea you know and are passionate about and create a detailed business plan. Before starting a business, determ...

How much debt does India have in 2023?

  How much debt does India have in 2023? India is one of the most indebted countries in the world. According to the World Bank, India's external debt at the end of June 2023 was $629.1 billion. This represents 18.6% of India's GDP. Current statistics on India's debt. Composition of India's debt .Impact.Impact of India's debt . It is important to note that India's debt levels are still relatively low compared to other developed countries. For example, the debt-to-GDP ratio of Japan is 262.7%, and the debt-to-GDP ratio of the United States is 128.2%. India's internal debt at the end of March 2023 was Rs 155.6 lakh crore ($1.85 trillion). This represents 57.1% of India's GDP. Current statistics on India's debt The following table shows the current statistics on India's debt: Type of debt Amount (in $ billion) Percentage of GDP External debt 629.1 18.6 Internal debt 1,850 57.1 Total debt 2,479.1 75.7 Composition of India...

top 10 Highly Successful Small Business Ideas

  Highly Successful Small Business Ideas We're having a discussion here. Highly Successful Small Business Ideas to Change Your Life or Make You a Businessman An entrepreneur is seeking funding to facilitate the efficient realization of his vision. An excellent proposition for any entrepreneur lies in businesses that demand minimal capital investment. Creative Business Ideas,Online Business Ideas Highly successful small business ideas often entail minimal financial outlays. If executed adeptly, these concepts can guarantee the prosperity and profitability of the enterprise. The allure of low-investment business ideas is undeniable. Nevertheless, many individuals remain uncertain about identifying these opportunities and their alignment with their broader strategic objectives." 1. Tutoring and coaching classes What was your favorite school subject? Were you particularly gifted in math or chemistry? If this is the case, all you need to begin teaching a subje...


আমি একজন ইঞ্জিনিয়ার চাকরি করার জন্য দিল্লিতে এসে ছিলাম যেমন প্রবাসী শ্রমিক রা আসে। কিন্তু চীনা বা করোনা ভাইরাস এর লোকডাউন এর জন্য আমি দিল্লীতেই আটকে গেছে আমার কোম্পানী আমাকে দু মাসের বেতন দেন নি। আমি দিল্লিতে যেই খানে থাকতাম বাড়ি ওল্লা আমাকে বার করে দিয়েছে এবং কোম্পানি কোনো  সাহায্য করছে না। আমি এখন আমার অফিস সহযাগী র বাড়িতে থাকি।  Now My Condition has come to help from people. .................................................................................................................... English Translation:- I came to Delhi to work as an engineer as expatriate workers come. But I was stuck in Delhi for the lock down of Chinese or Corona virus. My company did not pay me for two months. The house where I lived in Delhi has been evicted by me and the company is not helping. I now live in my office colleague's house.